Артемий Позаненко выступил на X International Congress of Arctic Social Sciences (ICASS X) дискутантом секции "Exploring the isolated or island phenomenon in the Arctic: boundaries, metaphors and languages of description"
Описание секции:
Exploring the isolated or island phenomenon in the Arctic: boundaries, metaphors and languages of description
Organizer: Lidia Rakhmanova, Olga Russova
Chair: Artemy Pozanenko
Affiliation: HSE University (St. Petersburg, Russia, NARFU (Arkhangelsk, Russia)
The purpose of this panel discussion is to redefine the boundaries and criteria defining community /territory as "island". The metaphor of "islands" is interpreted differently in various scientific fields, according to a specific disciplinary language. The reasons why a community may be in an "island position" are diverse and are rooted in geographical features, landscape changes, revision of administrative delineation, collapse of infrastructures, destruction of enterprises, changes in the community structure and its identity.
Thus, completely different fields and territories may be considered as island cases. We aim to find methodological intersections and commonalities of descriptive languages to reflex the phenomenon of "island" in an interdisciplinary field of Arctic research. What is the peculiarity and difficulty of studying them? What should we consider from the point of view of anthropology, sociology, and economic geography? How to overcome the metaphorization of the "island" position by comparing the cases of marine archipelagoes, isolated cities, taiga settlements and entire regions?