Дороги vs охотники: случай Горного Алтая
Доклад А. Позаненко на 12-й Международной конференции по обществам охотников и собирателей
23-27 июля на базе Школы социальных наук Научного университета Малайзии (Пенанг) прошла 12-я Международная конференция по обществам охотников и собирателей “Ситуации, эпохи и места в исследованиях охотников и собирателей” (CHAGS XII) Международного общества по исследованию охотников и собирателей (ISHGR). Аналитик ПУЛ МУ Артемий Позаненко выступил с докладом “Impact of the road on the role of hunting in the livelihood strategies of the inhabitants of Russia’s Altai Mountains” ("Влияние дороги на место охоты в хозяйственных стратегиях жителей российского Горного Алтая") на панели “Overcoming distance: critical perspectives on infrastructural transformations and mobility” ("Преодолевая расстояние: критические перспективы инфраструктурных трансформаций и мобильности"), председатели – Тобиас Хольцленер (Галле-Виттенбергский университет им. Мартина Лютера) и Петер Швайцер (Венский университет).
Аннотация доклада:
Hunting has historically played an important role in the livelihood strategies of people inhabiting the Altai Mountains, especially the indigenous population. Even now, in the XXI century, very few Altai villagers have completely given up trapping and killing wildlife. In some settlements hunting has turned into an occasional traditional entertainment, while in others it provides a significant supply of food, and for some locals even serves as the main source of income. The place hunting occupies in the livelihood strategies depends not only on the wildlife, landscape, conditions for animal husbandry and gathering, remoteness from the republican capital, tourism development, and job availability, but also on the local road network. Besides being arteries of life, roads are also ways in for unwelcome outsiders, and sites where the authorities controlling the use of hunting resources hold their inspections. The report analyzes various options of the relative location of villages with respect to roads and hunting grounds, and the attitude of locals to roads. The report is based on the authors' field notes obtained in 2017 during two expeditions to the Altai Republic, Russia, under the Hunting and hunters of the southeast of the Altai Republic project (supported by Khamovniki Foundation, Russia).